Verrutop information for podiatryVerrutop information for podiatry
Verrutop information for treating genital warts for professionalsVerrutop information for treating genital warts for professionals
Image of a professional instrument called dermal curette, a precision tool used for safely scraping and removing warts or other skin lesions during Verrutop treatment.Image of a professional instrument called dermal curette, a precision tool used for safely scraping and removing warts or other skin lesions during Verrutop treatment.
Image of Ureadin Podos Gel Oil and Ureadin ultra 40, a hydrating gel oil designed to moisturize and repair dry, cracked skin on the feet.Image of Ureadin Podos Gel Oil and Ureadin ultra 40, a hydrating gel oil designed to moisturize and repair dry, cracked skin on the feet.

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We can take orders by email, send a request to with your delivery details, contact information and HCPC number and we can send Verrutop direct with a link for payment.

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Verrutop, the revolution in topical treatment for difficult warts

Verrutop is a topical solution for professional use providing painless treatment of difficult warts that is highly effective in just a few applications.

With Nitrizinc Complex:

A unique, elevated combination

  • Nitric acid
  • Organic acids
  • Zn and Cu salts
What types of warts can verrutop be used to treat?What types of warts can verrutop be used to treat?

Quick and painless* application

*As sensitivity varies, some patients may experience a slight, short-lived tingling after application of the product. This disappears after a few seconds.

Once applied to the warts, it produces a painless mummification of the damaged tissue that causes the wart to detach automatically as healthy skin forms.

Image showing change of colour in warts after verrutop applicationImage showing change of colour in warts after verrutop application

Proven efficacy, even in the most difficult cases

Image showing 90%  of patients cured after a maximum of 6 verrutop treatment sesionsImage showing 90%  of patients cured after a maximum of 6 verrutop treatment sesions


of patients cured after a maximum of 6 treatment sesions1.

Average: 3 sessions.

87%  of patients cured after a maximum of 4 treatment sessions87%  of patients cured after a maximum of 4 treatment sessions


of patients cured after a maximum of 4 treatment sessions2.

49% of them cured after only one session

Efficacy in palmoplantar warts resistant to cryotherapy3

72%  responded totally or partially to treatment with Verrutop72%  responded totally or partially to treatment with Verrutop


responded totally or partially to treatment with Verrutop®

59%  disappeared after 1-3 applications of Verrutop59%  disappeared after 1-3 applications of Verrutop


disappeared after 1-3 applications of Verrutop®

With Verrutop, the complete viral DNA elimination occurs in 40% of cases

while no effect was achieved by liquid nitrogen4

Photo of a graph comparing Verrutop vs cryotherapy in treating wartsPhoto of a graph comparing Verrutop vs cryotherapy in treating warts

*. Verrutop in general is a painless treatment , altough some people may experience some temporary discomfort thatranges from a burning to slight tenderness or pain. 1. Galloni C, Balice Y, Fachetti M, Marchetti S, Motta L, Pisacane D. Efficacy and tolerability assessment of a new medical device containing a nitric-zinc complex to treat palmar, plantar and periungual warts: experience with 210 patients. Poster session presented at 27th EADV Congress; 2018 Sep 12-16; France, Paris. 2. Ciccarese G. Efficacy Assessment of a Topically Applied Nitric–Zinc Complex Solution for the Treatment of External Anogenital Warts in 100 Patients. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2019 Jun;9(2):327-335 3. . Guillet G, Jéroche F. Evaluation de l’efficacité et de la tolérance d’un traitement de verrues palmo-plantaires après échec thérapeutique avec cryothérapie, et de verrues péri-unguéales. Poitiers, France, Dermatologie pratique N°363-octobre 2012, p.9-10. 4. Viennet C et al. Assessment of the efficacy of a new formulation for plantar wart mummification: new experimental design and human papillomavirus identification .CED a 2012 British Association of Dermatologists Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 38, 85–88

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